The Ribbons of Life (RoL) Breast Cancer Foundation* is an organization committed to providing breast cancer education, advocacy, emotional and social support within Ventura County.
Ribbons of Life
Our vision is to maintain and extend our individual assistance to women with breast cancer and their caregivers in Ventura County. Our independent Breast Cancer Resource Center is located at 1500 Palma Drive, Suite 239, Ventura, CA. Individual assistance is available by appointment.
Call (805) 308-3456
welcome to ribbons of life
Our Purpose
The Ribbons of Life Breast Cancer Foundation (“Ribbons of Life” or “RoL”) was formed to meet a community need to have a non-institutional, independent grassroots organization to provide breast cancer education, advocacy, emotional, and social support to Ventura County. As a local 501(c)(3) non-profit public charity, RoL is run by unpaid professional volunteers from various socio-economic and educational backgrounds welcoming people of all ages, gender and cultures to participate. RoL serves as a clearinghouse of information for those who want to:

Find resources to address specific needs

Making positive life choices

Learn about breast cancer and coping techniques

Become a health advocate

Exchange useful information

Include family and friends in need of support

Become an inspiration

Keep-the-Money-Local while making a difference in our community
What’s with the logo? Why is it red?
When the Ribbons of Life board discussed creating a logo, the genderized and marketed pink ribbon was a concern. Being a foundation that focuses on breast cancer education and advocacy, the board decided against having a pink ribbon in its logo. They chose to make a meaning-filled statement through its logo. That statement is “breast cancer goes beyond the color pink, as the topic of breast cancer goes to the heart of every woman, man, and child affected by it. The ribbon represents the private sphere of family that connects to the heart of its surrounding community–or public sphere”.
RoL believes it takes a lot of “heart” for a community to come together and provide an endless amount of voluntary support in the form of time and most importantly–love.
Check out the Fundraising & Donors page to see who continues to support Ribbons of Life during this unusual year. Here are a few: Ventura City Firefighters, Ventura Police Depart. Oxnard Police Community Foundation, OPOA, Oxnard Fire Depart., Ventura County Credit Union, CBC Federal Credit Union, Angie Senchack, Oxnard Starbucks, St. Paul Baptist Church Oxnard, St. Paul's Methodist Church Oxnard, Karyn 805, Stevens Detailing, Sarah Kelleher-Pub Crawl, Lookout Bar & Grill, Waterside, Sea Fresh, Channel Islands Yacht Club, The Rudder Room, Channel Island Gulls, Harley Davidson Heel's & Wheels, PHP-People Helping People, 100 Women Who Care, Joel Boyce-EPIC Wealth Partners, Kelly & Curtis Lambert, Ellessco LLC, Robin Hester-Ventura College, Lynn's Jewelry, Logix, North Ranch Women's Golf, Soroptimist Oxnard, Newbury Park H.S, St. Bonaventure H.S, Rio Mesa H.S, Albertsons Vons Foundation, G&H Moorpark, Las Posas Country Club, Tri-County Services, Ventura Women of the Moose
~~~~~ ANNOUNCEMENT ~~~~~
Our monthly in-person BreastFests meet on the second Saturday of the month at the Black Bear Diner in Ventura on 2401 Harbor Blvd, from 8:30 to 10:30. Although we are unable to offer Zoom for the BreastFest, we do have the Zoom option for our monthly Create4Life (C4L) meetings held the Thursday following the BreastFest from 10:00 to 11:30, for those that are unable to attend our in-person BreastFests .
Please contact us for the Zoom link or to RSVP for limited in-studio seating. Email Jo Ann Kirkby (
The "Zoom" Fests were successful, however, many RoL members have expressed the need to meet in person and we agree it's time. We have a wonderful year of programs planned for you and we hope to see you there. Please send an email or give us a call for any questions, concerns or comments. ( office number 805-308-3456.
Mark your calendar and save the second Saturday of every month for our BreastFest.
Create4Life meets monthly in our studio and on Zoom. Create4Life offers an opportunity to come together and create something with meaning from watercolor painting to jewelry making. Many projects are made which help us support our community of survivor-thrivers. The survivors-thrivers, caregivers and supporters of the Ribbons of Life Breast Cancer Foundation wish to thank Ventura HOG Chapter #0366 HEELS & WHEELS, whose fundraising efforts made it possible for us to open the studio in 2019. Email Jo Ann Kirkby ( to RSVP or to receive the link for Zoom.
Please take comfort in knowing that we live in a resilient and caring community. If you need a compassionate ear and a loving heart we are here for you. Sylvia checks our phone every day, so call 805-308-3456, leave your number and let us know who you would like to call you back.
Know we are thinking of you, and send our love.
Sylvia Rosolek – Lisa Barreto - Karen L Brown
Beverly Schaeffer – Jo Ann Kirkby
Thank you for visiting!
~ Our Thrivers Share ~

*Ribbons of Life (RoL) Breast Cancer Foundation was created and is handled solely by our volunteers. Please remember when you make a call or visit our website, we are doing everything we can to respond in a timely manner.