Love is the great miracle cure.   Loving ourselves works miracles in our lives.

Volunteering is the ultimate exercise in democracy.  You vote in elections once a year but when you volunteer, you vote every day about the kind of community you want to live in…… Anonymous

Ribbons of Life


Our Purpose

The Ribbons of Life Breast Cancer Foundation (“Ribbons of Life” or “RoL”) formed to meet a community need for a non-institutional, independent grassroots organization that would provide breast cancer education, advocacy, emotional, and social support to Ventura County. As a local 501(c)(3) non-profit public charity, RoL is run by unpaid professional volunteers from various socio-economic and educational backgrounds welcoming people of all ages, gender and cultures to participate. RoL serves as a clearinghouse of information for those who want to:

• Find resources to address specific needs
• Learn about breast cancer and coping techniques
• Make quality of life choices
• Become a health advocate
• Exchange useful information
• Include family and friends in need of support
• Become an inspiration
• Volunteer/donate professional services/items to pamper someone going through breast cancer
• Keep-the-Money-Local while making a difference in our community

RoL addresses issues relating to breast cancer including: sexuality; the stigma of breasts in today’s society; intimate communications; environmental toxins; hormones; specific questions to ask doctors; medical insurance; access for those uninsured and/or with low incomes who are in need of a mammograms and/or treatment; and more.

Information provided to those who are newly diagnosed or going through treatment is on a need-to-know basis to help lessen the feelings of “information overload” while focusing on a person’s immediate needs while avoiding the need of going down a fearful road of “What ifs”?

RoL taps into a community of knowledge from dedicated advisory board professionals interested in answering questions that relate to breast cancer. Some also provide their expert services to assist RoL in its many functions. If answers from a particular specialist are needed, a few calls can be made to gain further information or referrals.

Our Goal

Opening our RoL Breast Cancer Resource Center in 2014, we assist as many women with breast cancer and their family members and caregivers as our volunteers can manage. Using our combined knowledge by involving a community of supporters who include our local city firefighters, advisory board, supporters and breast cancer survivor-thrivers.  It is our goal to continue to join together to provide services that address an individuals’ and a group’s specific needs.


Think Before You Pink

RoL is concerned with the numerous transnational marketing campaigns that exploit women with breast cancer. By using breast cancer as a venue to make profits for their companies, they limit the amount of money that goes to the actual cause. Did you know that some companies sell pink-ribbon-products and do not donate a dime to the breast cancer cause? Ask yourself when considering a pink product purchase whether the company is raising funds out of the goodness of their hearts without the goal of generating greater corporate profits for themselves. RoL suggests that before you donate your hard earned dollars, you first consider:

Who is really benefiting from the profits? – Does the organization advertise that all funds are used to assist women with breast cancer or those with other cancers?  Is the organization a local, state or national organization? Where is it located? (Note: If the organization is located out of Ventura County, the funds may be used outside of the county and state with a board deciding how much funds will be returned to our county. This causes misperceptions to volunteers who may participate in raising these funds).  If the dollars are advertised as going toward breast cancer research, what kind of research is it being used for? Research with the intent to eradicate breast cancer or research to develop new drugs that have life-threatening side effects?

Does the product label state that a limited amount of money will be donated?  If so, why?  Weigh that against the profits. –  For more information as to how some companies use pink ribbon-related marketing to increase sales while contributing only a small fraction of proceeds to the cause, or use ‘pinkwashing’ to improve their public image while manufacturing products that may be carcinogenic.  RoL recommends that you see the film, Pink Ribbons, Inc. and go to

Keep-the-Money-Local Campaign – Our “Keep-the-Money-Local” Campaign provides an opportunity for you to give to a worthy cause that affects women, men, teens and adolescents within your community. Your donation to Ribbons of Life Breast Cancer Foundation (RoL) provides an opportunity for you to feel connected to your community. Our campaign encourages all individuals within our community to get involved in supporting our local cause by raising funds that stay in Ventura County to assist women, men and children in the community as together they try to cope with just one diagnosis of breast cancer.

Together we can make a difference! None of our funds pay for a costly executive staff to oversee volunteers. All our time and contributions go directly to our local breast cancer cause. As volunteer “professionals,” many of us are survivor-thrivers of breast cancer (and other cancers) or know someone who is reaching out for our help.

How many are diagnosed in Ventura County? Presently, approximately 600 women in Ventura County are diagnosed with breast cancer each year. Ten years ago, it was 500. This number does not include those currently living with breast cancer who were diagnosed and treated in previous years–or those who have had a recurrence. Altogether, our county has thousands of women who struggle from the many complications caused from having breast cancer. In addition, there are thousands of caregivers who are affected by those women undergoing treatment, recovery, and sometimes death.

Won’t you participate or support in our non-profit cause? As you read through this website, you will see many opportunities in which to donate your time, products, expertise and funds.

community spirit
