The Essence of Suz

           It’s hard for me to write about Suz in past tense. It seems strange that the very disease that she died from brought us together. Two years into my retirement after moving from Ventura to New Hampshire’s seacoast, I remember those meaningful moments...

Don’t Wait For Sleep to Start Dreaming

July 1st marks the 2nd year since Bob and I purchased our New Hampshire home. 2019 certainly brought on a whirlwind of activities. Looking back, we shake our heads and say, “How did we do it?” Then comes the answer. We wouldn’t have been able to do it without our...

Pathways 2021

Some pathways are newly made. Others appear as crossroads where we meet people who have a profound affect on our quality of living. The twist and turns of all our lives weave into the hearts and minds of people who seem to unexpectedly enter our lives for some...