Gifts From the Heart
Our “Gifts from the Heart” page is our way of honoring those who have given a substantial monetary gift or a gift of creativity to Ribbons of Life Breast Cancer Foundation. All those who have given their time as speakers, at the Saturday BreastFests, can be seen on the BreastFest flyers. Many are people who have been affected by breast cancer as a family member, friend or community member and believe in the mission of Ribbons of Life. Their gift is made from their time, hands, hearts and creative imagination. These beautiful souls want to share their gifts with us.
Due to the generosity of Ingrid & Roy Poehler, Ribbons of Life can continue to provide education, advocacy and creative outlets to those in Ventura County who are effected by breast cancer. They believe in our mission and goal. (2020)
Danielle Nicole Sisk – is an Independent Jewelry Consultant with Touchstone Crystal by Swarosvski. She has donated items for Ribbons of Life CLOCS program and auction items for our Ventura College yearly fundraiser. Thank You!

Sarah Kelleher – Sarah is a very active advocate and fundraiser, developing events to support causes close to her heart. She gathered several friends to support Ribbons of Life’s goals by creating a “Drink for Pink” pub crawl fundraiser. Oxnard Restaurants that hosted & donated: The Lookout Bar & Grill, Seafresh, Vintage Marina, and the Rudder Room.Sarah is a light and breath of fresh air in our little corner of the world. In 2020, due to the pandemic, Sarah created a “Party for a Purpose” to raise funds for RoL’s cause!
picture: Sarah receiving the Kelly M. Cooper Community Service Award (2019)
The Charles D. and Mary A. Bauer Foundation – Sandra and Doug Moe presented the Grant to the Ribbons of Life Executive Board during September 2017 BreastFEST. The grant allowed Ribbons of Life to establish the Ribbons of Life Breast Cancer Care Project. The project includes: 1) give two to four annual educational scholarships; 2) purchase and distribute specific immediate needs to those preparing for breast surgery, recovering from breast surgery, and/or during chemotherapy, radiation, lymphedema treatment; 3) create a tri-fold pamphlet with surgery, chemotherapy and radiation tips; 4) purchase and distribute books to be included in care bags; 5) publish and distribute “Breast Cancer: One Word at a Time”. (2017)

Arline Tepper ( is a local Ventura sculptor. She helped Ribbons of Life celebrate their 15th Anniversary Celebration with a presentation of her beautiful stone carving, dedicated to her friend Kiki. Her beautiful sculpt has a place of honor in the Ribbons of Life gathering room. (2017). This sculpture is called L’Chaim (to life) Mikiko. The sculpt and Kiki are pictured. It was made as a tribute to a young Japanese woman who fought breast cancer for 12 years. She died in 2013 at the age of 44. Her courage, strength and beauty inspired Arline to sculpt this piece. It is dedicated to her, and all women who have had breast cancer!

Martha Shilliday ( is a watercolor painter from Santa Barbara. Martha helped us celebrate our 15th Anniversary Celebration with a presentation and generous gifts to be used during Ribbons of Life fundraising activities. (2017)