Whether serving on our board, performing some fun-raising by planning a memorable event or peddling items you make, you sure are welcome to join in. Our list of needs is a mile long! We need more members and chairpersons, specifically public relations, programs and special events. (Note: We do have an advisory board of doctors, medical providers, lawyers and other professions who do not meet formally, but who are on call whenever the foundation has a specific question or need regarding an individual or our foundation as a whole.)
Our gathering room feels “safe” and “warm” to enable trained professional volunteers to welcome and receive those newly diagnosed as well as their families and friends who are in immediate need of specific information relating to the personal and social aspects of breast cancer. This office also helps us centralize our documents and project specialities while housing our breast resource library.
We have several projects going where we need immediate help:
FABRIC CUTTERS, SEWERS & FABRIC are NEEDED for our Care Bag Project. If you, or someone you know, would like to participate in this meaningful community project and donate fabric and sewing items, cut fabric, sew bags or make donations to this project, kindly contact us by emailing us your specific interest at or place a donation via Paypal.
Ribbons of Life Photo Quilt. We are in the need of funds to purchase transfer fabric paper for all the photos we’ve been taking. We also are looking for more photos. This is a never ending project so if you sew, cut, iron, take digital photographs and/or work on computer photos, we’d be happy to have you help out. If you are interested or are in need of more information, Contact Us.
The Cindy Dickson Library was originally housed at the Ventura College Library. We now have the books in our Gathering Place at Barrister Suites. The library is in need of a coordinator, along with a committee, to publicize that this library is available to the general public and to encourage members of our community to donate books related to breast cancer and other cancers to the library. Anyone interested can Contact Us.