Our work is to never forget!
We dedicate moments, hours, days and years donating time, money and a spirit that travels far beyond the patient wearing a hospital gown. Breast cancer is not only about the person diagnosed, but about every person who knows or loves someone living with it.
We remember those who died so that we may live with the lessons they leave behind. We dedicate our work to them, their families and the communities each life touched. Their life energy motivates us to continue our work to provide breast cancer education, advocacy, emotional and social support to those in need. While using our hands, hearts, feet (and that miraculous space between our ears) we give honor to those “one-of-a-kinds” listed on this page. They now serve to remind us to make a conscious effort to cherish life.

Paula Anne Osborn (1953 – 2023)
Paula Thorpe-Osborn lived a full, eclectic life. She grew up in Port Hueneme and was a lifelong resident of Ventura County. She was an active single parent with little time to share, however found her way to the monthly Ribbons breastfest several times. While raising her family in Ojai, she taught dance and performed in local plays. She was part of many seasonal choirs and a vocalist in a Gaelic band. Paula shared her love of music and inspired a generation of young students as the Ojai Elementary School music consultant. She pursued her life’s goal of becoming a credentialed educator and ultimately achieved her master’s degree in administration. Paula retired in 2019, but never stopped wanting to learn , teach or travel. Her greatest love was her two daughters, granddaughters and “adopted ”family”. She was a true renascence woman that taught, enjoyed gardening, teaching, learning and sharing her knowledge and skills. She created a fun, artistic and meaningful learning experience for all around her.
Marilyn L. Martin (1956-2023)
Marilyn L. Martin was born in Great Lakes, Illinois and lived in Ventura County for 41 years. For the past ten years she was a beloved member of Ribbons of Life, and rarely missed a Breast Fest. She came to us shy and withdrawn and grew to become outgoing and comforting towards others. Marilyn loved Ribbons of Life and said that we were like family. She will be missed by all who knew her.
Selina Lee Rogers (1965 – 2022)
Selina Romines was born in Port Hueneme, CA and became Mrs. Chuck Rogers in 1991. Together, they had three sons, Charles, David, and Joseph. The entire family would attend the RoL BreastFests for years with husband, Chuck, taking many of RoL’s breakfast and special event pictures. Selina enjoyed arts and crafts, and dressing in t-shirts with bright colors, which she incorporated with hair ornaments and makeup. She enjoyed her many family gatherings and also bringing friends together. Her strong faith combined with her hope and love saw her through her journey in living with breast cancer. In 2015, Selina received RoL’s Annual Scholarship, which she used to practice art using the Zentangle Method.
Misty Romero (1967-2023)
Misty was a loving wife, daughter, sister and totally dedicated to raising her daughters Sequoyah and Tenaya. One of her greatest adventures was opening J Wolf Catering with her husband Ernest. She was committed to feeding the city sustainable, high quality and affordable food. She also gave her ongoing support to multiple charitable endeavors, like donating thousands of meals to first responders of the Thomas Fire. She supported other local causes like Catholic Charities of Ventura, Turning Point Foundation, the Salvation Army and Casa Pacifica. Misty will be remembered for her incredible spirit and kindness to all.
Suz Montgomery (1948-2021)
Suz was an icon fixture in the Ventura community after moving here in 1985. She was best known as a “firecracker” for her work with the senior community at government meetings. Suz was an adult educator for the Ventura Unified School District. As an advocate for equality for all, dignity for seniors and breast cancer, Suz was presented with one of Ribbons of Life’s annual “Thriver of the Year Award”. She hosted her own CAPS TV show called, “Schmooze with Suz”, and hosted a special program dedicated to her breast cancer experiences and that of a nurse thriver as well as RoL’s founder. In 2017, she was recognized by state Sen. Hannah-Beth Jackson as one of her “Women of the Year” for her work with senior citizens.
Ingrid Elizabeth Poehler (1948 – 2020)
Ingrid loved participating in our Create4Life programs and made many cards for her family members. She enjoyed meeting new people at our BreastFests and like to adorn her hair with flowers. Ingrid was a gentle spirit and will not be forgotten!
Gloria Diaz Betts (1960-2020)
What a gift we were given. Gloria enjoyed attending BreastFests and meeting other thrivers. The scrapbooks she lovingly crafted will ensure she is always remembered. Her shy smile, infectious laughter and love for life demonstrated a life well-lived. Gloria always thought of others before herself.
Hope Goss
Hope was a local realtor for many years in Ventura. She enjoyed gardening and home improvement. She as an avid San Francisco 49ers fan having grown up in the bay area. She had a thoughtful nature that impacted so many. She loved Jason Mraz’s song “Living in the Moment”. Local author Ken McAlpine wrote a piece about Hope in his book, “ West is Eden-Reflections on this gift called life “ and presented a program with Hope in attendance. After her passing, her daughter Kyla and friend attended our Breakfast to receive Hope’s San Franciscan 49ers ribbon of life.
Debra Reasonable
Debra was a local realtor specializing in Polynesian travels. If you wanted to break away to an exotic place, Debra was on it. She attended RoL BreastFests when she wasn’t working on Saturdays and volunteered in several RoL special events.
Melissa Renee McClelland
Melissa lived with cancer for 22 years. Yet she did not let anything stand in her way and attended Ventura College. Melissa had a wonderful sense of humor and was very giving to those she knew and strangers alike. Her loving heart will be missed by all she touched and enjoyed her attendance at RoL’s BreastFest with her good friend, Jody Campbell.
Heather Wutzke-Howard – 2016
Although she was unable to attend a monthly Ribbons of Life BreastFest, Heather is now amongst the other RoL angels. Our Oxnard Firefighters were able to coordinate a hospital visit with her and her husband to deliver a RoL Care Bag. Her husband, Douglas; mother Bonita and family are in our thoughts and prayers.
Donna Gillespie Jones (1957 – 2019)
Rebecca Allyn Dahl (1979 – 2018)
Delores Shirley Bucy (1928 – 2018, Age 90)
Janice (Jan) Canchola ( – 2018)
In 2017 Colleen Cason, a journalist in our local paper, wrote a column about Janice. It was entitled “Hope thrives in cancer patient’s Camarillo garden” It spoke of how Janice’s husband (Angelo) created a small, hidden garden as Janice’s retreat. Janice wanted to share the garden that Angelo “loved to life” and which has become his gift of “more flowers than you’ve had in your entire life”. A lovely tribute to a lovely lady, with a welcoming smile for everyone she met.
Meschal Kearns (1963 – 2018, Age 55)
Meschal was and continues to be our bright shining star. In 2016, Meschal was honored with RoL’s “Thriver of the Year Award”. Using her incredible sewing skills, she sewed many Ribbons of Life care bags for other women with breast cancer as she passed on her kindness and love. We shared in many good times with Meschal standing tall, towering over many of our heads in the back of many of our group photos. She knew how to complete a picture. Meschal has reached new heights now and we will continue to look up to her amazing spirit with a smile.
Kelly Murphy Cooper ( – 2018)
Kelly was the founder of the amazing Eva Girls. Each year she shared her talent for baking to raise funds for Ribbons of Life. Kelly always had a smile of satisfaction knowing she made a difference in the lives of women in her community. Here she is sitting in the chair purchased by the Eva Girls for our Ribbons of Life gathering room.
Alberta (Francy) Francis Cline Ross – (1962 – 2016)
Linda Mitchell – 2015
Linda attended many Ribbons of Life BreastFests. Sadly, she passed away on Monday, October 26, 2015. She is missed, but we will carry her spirit with us in the work that we do.
Cindy Addison (1957 – 2014)
Cindy will always be on our minds and forever in our hearts. Our world and lives are never going to be the same without your sweet smile and loving ways. Rest in peace.
Kathy (Kat) Okada – (1959 – 2014)
Kat loved bright neon colors with animal prints. She was the third recipient of our annual Ribbons of Life scholarship. On June 8, 2013 during Ribbons of Life program “Life is all about how you handle Plan B”, a special ribbon dedicated to Kat’s life, was given to all attendees.
Candice (Candy) Finn – 2015
Candy took a stand at one of our December “Celebrate the Uniqueness of You” programs, speaking about the importance of legacy and the love she received from her parents.
Leslie (2013) and Serena Shapiro
When someone passes, a spirit of a mom’s energy passes on to her daughter, Leslie has passed her life onto her lovely daughter Serena Arielle. Leslie “Passed into the Light” on October 13, 2013. Her daughter recently shares that her mom spoke of Ribbons of Life and the friends she made at the RoL breakfasts. Thank you, Serena for keeping in touch. You are definitely your mom’s miracle.
Helen Wier – (1952 – 2013)
Tania Schuss (1953 – 2012)
Tania slipped away peacefully at 5:30 a.m. on Thanksgiving Day and leaves RoL with no greater legacy than her gratitude for all the blessings she had in her life. Before Tania’s passing, she said, “I have had nothing but blessings in my life. This has been such a remarkable experience.”
Tania shared many a feast with us at our RoL table demonstrating that life is worth living to its fullest and that each and every day and moment matter. She said she was blessed to have so much goodness, especially when she needed it, “and the love, I could just cry.”
Kristi L. Fordahl (1953 – 2012)
Kristi attended the first meeting of the Ventura College Breast Cancer Education and Advocacy Group in September 2002, which evolved into the Ribbons of Life Breast Cancer Foundation. She believed that education, advocacy, emotional and social support were important. In the evening hours of Aug. 9, 2009, in the quiet of her home surrounded by loved ones, Kristi Fordahl left her body…she viewed her breast cancer as an inconvenience, and only in the final months did it take control of her life. She showed incredible tenacity…and…passed on with the calm dignity that so characterized her in life…she was one week short of her fifty-second birthday…her spirit…survives in all those she touched. Kristi was a wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, reader, quilter, jeweler, traveler, adventurer, childbirth educator, mentor and incredible storyteller. [Her] legacy is buildt on many unforgettable qualities; her compassion, grace, generosity, wit, humor, and enduring joie de vivre.
Nidia Ormachea – (1964 – 2010)
Nidia attended our breakfasts when we were a smaller gatherings at Ventura’s Hill Street Cafe. She so enjoyed the camaraderie, laughter and the sharing of food.
Patricia “Pat” Ehret – (1946 – 2010)
Pat’s ability to light up a room and bridge the language gap by translating from Spanish to English helped to assist many women and their families. She was a joy to have as a friend.
Mary Ellen Sheets (1954 – 2009)
November 21, 1954 – October 15, 2009 Mary Ellen Sheets was an avid reader who loved reading romance, gothic, and sequel stories similar to Lord of the Rings. She long dreamt of a journey to her beloved Scotland and made that dream a reality of a 3 week trip in October 2001. While there, she visited the cathedrals and distilleries and could tell you about the best Scotch. Her love of Scotland continued after her trip and she at one time was considering finding employment there and moving. However, she lived her Scottish life here in Camarillo, enjoying the series the “Highlander” and attended the Highland Games at Seaside Park in Ventura for many years. Mary Ellen researched the clan her family was from which was the MacLeod’s.
Mary was an example to many of us. She was ever the optimist with her special smile. She was courageous, strong and brave. We referred to her as out “Braveheart.” Mary Ellen proudly shared her cancer diagnosis openly in order that she might be a model of hope and inspiration to others.
Debbie Zahner (1959 – 2008)
Debbie’s soft-toned conversation, smile, and genuine caring for each and every one of us will be missed and is now a memory and photo quilt away.
Debbie proudly chaired our ROL Photo Quilt Project and liked being called “The Quilt Lady”. In speaking with her before her passing, Lisa Barreto assured her that Ribbons of LIfe would continue working on the project she initiated. Debbie positively responded and was proud to leave this “life” quilt behind as one of her many life legacies. Her memorial service was held October 4, 2008 at 11 a.m.
Cindy Dickson (1938 – 2004)
Poet Cindy Dickson may have taken flight on November 21, 2004, but not her spirit. The Ribbons of Life Book Library is in her name. Her legacy also continues in the classroom. Lisa Barreto’s “Coping with Breast Cancer” includes her starring in a short documentary film, Blue Jay. She is also included in the book by Lesley Dailey entitled, Goddesses Don’t Buy Green Bananas.
We also honor our beloved family, for without their love and encouragement we could not accomplish what we have for our Ribbons of Life family.
Richard E. Erickson (1925 – 2016) &
Susan M. Erickson (1925 – 2015)
Ribbons of Life supporters and beloved parents of Lisa Barreto
Warren W. Brown (1938 – 2015)
Ribbons of Life supporter and beloved husband of Karen L. Brown